What‘s A Portable line boring machine

What are line boring machines and how to use it?

The line boring machine is used for reboring/repairing holes on the excavator, crane, transfer gearbox housings, drive shaft housing boring, etc. Hence, the bore repaired can achieve the tolerances processed in the workshop with line boring machines.
Furthemore, line boring machines also boring other machines and parts with high precise requirements such as hole concentric in shipyards fields.
Since line boring machine is a versatile application, with the accessory of facing head, it is used for tapering holes and machining the outside face of the work piece.
Here are some fields it usually used in:
Excavator buckets
Transfer gearbox housings
Stern tubes and rudder bores in the shipbuilding industry
Drive shaft housing boring
A-frame supports
Hinge pins
Turbine casings in the power generation industry
General bore repair

What bore size can a line boring machine fabricate?

Our products cover a wide range: 1.375 to 78.74 inches (35 to 2000 mm).

JRT40 boring diameter: 1.77*7.87 Inches (45*200 mm)
JRT50 boring diameter: 2.17*9.84 Inches (55*250 mm)
BB50 boring diameter: 2.17*13.78 Inches (55*350 mm)
YK60 boring diameter: 2.56*15.75 Inches (65*400 mm)

how to define a line boring machine good or not?

It should be designed rationally for onsite usage. Also, it should features quick and easy setup, and convenient to use in tight space. Above all, it should achieve workshop tolerances.

Contact us today for more info about our line boring machines.

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